Inverted Nipple Correction

What is inverted nipple?
An inverted nipple is a condition where the nipple, instead of pointing outward, is retracted into the breast. This condition may present early in childhood, during breast development in adolescence or appear later in adult life
Why should the patient undergo the surgical correction of inverted nipple?
There are multiple reasons for surgical correction of this procedure. First one is cosmetic purpose. This patient more prone for repeated infection. Also has difficulty in breast feeding.
What are grading of inverted nipple?
Grading of inverted nipple depends on its severity. Grade I nipples are believed to have minimal fibrosis;
Grade II, the nipples can be pulled out but cannot maintain projection and tend to go back again.
In grade III, to which the least number of invertednipple cases belong, the nipple can hardly be pulled out manually.
What is done in this procedure?
All the contracted ducts are cut and released then stay sutures applied in the base of the nipple to keep the nipple in pulled out position and which makes the healing in that position

There are multiple reasons for surgical correction of this procedure. First one is cosmetic purpose. This patient more prone for repeated infection. Also has difficulty in breast feeding.
Inverted nipple may be congenital which is present since birth. It occurs after birth due to trauma or infection. In rare instances, this may be caused by an underlying breast cancer.
Procedure done under IV sedation. It is a day care procedure. Patient discharged on the day of surgery itself.
After surgery patient not able to breast feed. So this surgery mostly preferred after completing the family.
Possible by an innovative technique in which splinting of the nipple was done in nipple pulled out position. This procedure needs more compliance of the patient But outcome depends upon the severity of the inverted nipple.
New Nipple Creation
Nipple and areola reconstructions are usually the final phase of breast reconstruction. This is a separate surgery done to make the reconstructed breast look more like the original breast. It can be done as an outpatient procedure. It’s usually done about 3 to 4 months after breast reconstruction surgery. Ideally, nipple and areola reconstruction tries to match the position, size, shape, texture, colour, and projection of the new nipple to the natural one (or to the other one), if both nipples are being reconstructed).
Which tissue is used to reconstruct the nipple?
Tissue used to reconstruct the nipple and areola comes from the newly created breast or, less often, from another part of your body (such as the inner thigh). If a woman wants to match the colour of the nipple and areola of the other breast, tattooing may be done a few months after the surgery.

Nipple size reduction

What is done in this procedure?
Under local anaesthesia, a small incision made on the nipple itself.Once the incision is complete, the doctor removes excess tissue from the area of the incision. Stitches are then used to close the incision, and gauze dressings are placed over the breasts.
What is the postoperative instruction given to the patient?
A special surgical bra is placed over your breasts after the surgery to ensure that your breasts are held in the best position for healing.
What are the expected side effects following the surgery?
Possible postoperative side effects include:
- Infection
- Loss of nipple sensation
- Scarring